The team at The Commercial Law Practice has now been at Pullman Court, Copper Street, next to Dorchester South Station for three years, having moved from Poundbury.
We pride ourselves on being different from lawyers you may have come across before, as we aren’t just friendly and approachable; but also encourage clients to drop in at any time, if they need help or just want a chat.
Wills Week Offer
We want to offer you the opportunity to make a will with us. You may have thought about getting your affairs in order for some time, but simply haven’t got round to it. Make an appointment now for the period 11th to 22nd February 2109 to receive 20% off.
Why make a Will now ?
There are quite a few reasons why this sometimes awkward task should be dealt with sooner rather than later:
1 Your will makes it much easier for your loved ones to sort everything out when you die. No one wants to leave a difficult situation for someone else to deal with, especially at a distressing time.
2 If you don’t write a will, everything you own will be shared out in a way set out by the law. Consequently, this might not be in the way you want.
3 Your will can help reduce the amount of Inheritance Tax that might be payable on the value of whatever you leave behind. Furthermore, good planning now can reduce this burden on your family.
4 Your will can protect children or other family who depend on you financially. Similarly, your will is the best way to leave something to a person outside your close family and/or to charity.
5 Your will can say who will take care of dependent children and this decision may be left to others if you have not made a will.
How does a having a Will help ?
Your will makes sure your wishes are carried out and everything is in order.
Furthermore, without a will, you have no control over what happens after your death. Our team at can ensure that your assets are administered tax-effectively. Consequently, we can make it possible for you to give the maximum available to those you care about.
Our team can help you to deal with the choice of those who are to administer your estate, or we can undertake this task ourselves on your behalf.